

を、ちょっと前に読んだのですが、NATROMさんが挙げていた「看護覚え書―看護であること・看護でないこと」の訳で気になるところがあったので、元の"Notes on Nursing, Florence Nightingale" (Easy Read Edition)の136ページ*1を訳してみました。



I have known many ladies who, having once obtained a "blue pill" prescription from a physician, gave and took in as a common aperient two or three times a week - with what effect may be supposed. In one case I happened to be the person to inform the physician of it, who substituted for the prescription a comparatively harmless aperient pill. The lady came to me and complained that it "did not suit her half so well."
 医師からひとたび甘汞("blue pill")*2の処方薬を手に入れると、それを週に2、3回服用する日常的な下剤として互いに譲り合う、多くのご婦人がたのことを、わたしは知っています。あるケースでは、たまたま、わたしが医師にそのことを伝えたところ、医師は処方を比較的害の少ない下剤へと変更しました。そのご婦人はわたしのところに来て、その薬が「半分くらいしか効かないわ」と不平を言いました。

If women will take or give physic, by far the safest plan is to send for "the doctor" every time - for I have known ladies who both gave and took physic, who would not take the pains to learn the names of the commonest medicines, and confounded, e.g, colocynth with colchicum.
 女性が下剤を手に入れる際に、間違いなくもっとも安全なプランは毎回「医師」("the doctor")を呼び寄せることです。――わたしが知っている、下剤(physic)を互いに譲り合い、たとえばコロシントウリ(colocynth)やイヌサフラン(colchicum)といったもっとも日常的な薬の名前を学ぶ労を惜しみ、当惑してしまうご婦人がたにとっては。

This is playing with sharp-edged tools "with a vengeance." There are excellent women who will write to London to their physician that there is much sickness in their neighbourhood in the country, and ask for some prescription from him, which they used to like themselves, and then give it to all their friends and to all their poorer neighbours who will take it.

Now, instead of giving medicine, of which you cannot possibly know the exact and proper application, nor all its consequences, would it not be better if you were to persuade and help your poorer neighbours to remove the dung-hill from before the door, to put in a window which opens, or an Arnott's ventilator, or to cleanse and lime-wash the cottages? Of These things the benefits are sure. The benefits of the inexperienced administration of medicines are by no means so sure.

Homoepathy has introduced one essential amelioration in the practice of physic by amateur females; for its rules are excellent, its physicking comparatively harmless - the "globule" is the one grain of folly which appears to be necessary to make any good thing acceptable. Let then women, if they will give medicine, give homoeopathic medicine. It won't do any harm.
 ホメオパシーは素人の女性たちによる医術(physic)*3の実践に、ある本質的な改善をもたらしました。というのも、ホメオパシーのルールはご立派(excellent)なもので、その医術的な効果は比較的、当たり障りのない(harmless)ものだからです。――ホメオパシーの「丸薬」は、何であれ、善きことを受け入れられやすくするためには欠かせないように思われる、一粒の(= ささやかな)愚かしさなのです。

この"the "globule" is the one grain of folly which appears to be necessary to make any good thing acceptable. "という部分の既存の訳(『看護覚え書―看護であること・看護でないこと』では「その「丸薬」は、どうしても善行を施して満足したい人たちが必要とする一粒の愚行なのであろう。」)に疑問を持ったので自分で訳してみたのですが、「難しくてよくわかりませんでした」という感じです。

An almost universal error among women is the supposition that everybody must have the bowels opened once in every twenty-four hours, or must fly immediately to aperients. The reverse is the conclusion of experience. This is a doctor's subject, and I will no enter more into it; but will simply repeat, do not go on taking or giving to your children your abominable "courses of aperients" without calling in the doctor.

It is very seldom indeed, that by choosing your diet, you cannot regulate your own bowels; and every women may watch herself to know what kind of diet will do this; I have known difciency of meat produce constipation, quite as often as deficiency of vegetables;


*2:塩化水銀(I) 『かつては下剤や利尿剤として利用されていたが、水銀中毒の危険があるために現在は使用されていない』http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A1%A9%E5%8C%96%E6%B0%B4%E9%8A%80%28I%29
